After such a great result for Sprout in France, I have really experienced both ends of the rollercoaster!
Bramham was a disappointing show for me, Q tried hard in his dressage once he settled, but cantering his way through the first three movements left him on 68 and near the bottom of the field. Willy did his best ever test for a very pleasing 48. Q flew round the first 2/3 of the XC and unfortunately his bravery and scope caught up with him at a technical double of corners and we had an annoying tumble. Willy jumped a fabulous round with a frustrating error from me resulting in 20 penalties at the first water. He then tried very hard on the final day but was quite tired and knocked a few rails. Not my best weekend at the office, but two lovely horses came home safe and sound having learnt an awful lot, as did I!!
Salperton was the polar opposite end of the spectrum with Lyd placing 3rd at Missy's first Intermediate, Luke coming 3rd in the Advanced Intermediate, Fish jumping a lovely couple of rounds, and Scott coming 5th in the Novice. A happy weekend for the whole team.
Beyond all my nighmares I then broke my ankle schooling a young horse at home two days after Salperton, meaning I missed riding at the London Olympic Test event and 7 other events in the next 5 weeks. Annoying would be an understatement.
I have booked in to teach at several clinics, went to support Luc and Scott at Barbury who excelled themselves jumping ace double clears, I have just returned from supporting Team NZ in Aachen at the incredible CHIO where they rode brilliantly to come 2nd and following my surgical review next week hope to begin swimming thanks to my super dooper removable plaster and very modern surgeon. D day for returning to the saddle is 9th August and my revamped Autumn program is set to include Highclere, Gatcombe, Little Downham, Blenheim and Pau as my three day events.
I am feeling very lucky indeed to have my amazing team of girls, thank you Lyd, Luc and Fran, under the watchful eye of Gill they are keeping my ponies ticking over. And more huge debts of gratitude to my wonderful owners who are patient enough to wait for me to get better!