
Monday, 21 January 2013

The return from paradise has been made somewhat harder by the deep freeze!! Thank you for really making reality that bit more challenging
. We sadly had very reduced numbers for our owners party kindly hosted for Team Jackson by Gill Watson. None the less a fun time was had by those that were brave enough to come. We are incredibly lucky to have Austin and Katherin O'Connors school in the nearest village so we are bussing our ponies down, only struggling slightly trying to fit the 13 current residents into our 5 horse lorry! Being at least able to keep the team ticking over is helping to prevent cabin fever from setting in. It isn't long now until the big thaw will rescue us and we'll be saying...d'you remember that awful couple of days in January....Here's hoping anyway!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

NEW SITE NEW YEAR...HAPPY 2013 I'm lucky enough to be writing this from the Southern Hemisphere! Tomorrow is Tim Price and Jonelle Richards wedding in the Marlborough Sounds NZ. We have enjoyed a perfect trip so far with blazing sunshine, mountain biking, sunbathing, beach sports day, sunbathing, catching up with great freinds, sunbathing and even a spot of running with the season now not that far away!
The winning team on kiwi sports day including Olympian Sam Albert. Here's to another week of fun in the blistering NZ heat. Thank you so much to the awesome team at home for keeping the show on the road especially with two mega exciting new additions Carl & this space for more on the beautiful babies new into Team Jackson! Happy 2013 everyone and all the best of everything to Tim and Jonelle for tomorrow.